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templatebot helps build automated, web-based versions of your document portfolios without having to learn coding and you can avoid managing dozens (or hundreds) of individual Microsoft Office documents with troublesome styles and other formatting issues. 


Use an intuitive, automated-document builder and make drafting documents as rapid as answering a questionnaire where one answer will include, exclude or modify a single clause or multiple clauses across all of your tender, draft contract/s and statement/s of work all whilst capturing the changes for review and approval.



Other templatebot features include:

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Simple templating

Create templates without coding to allow users to create first drafts of documents in record time

Clause Library

Centrally maintain approved clauses and ensure updates are reflected across all documents

Rapid first-draft

Chatbot questionnaire to easily bespoke your draft and collect info from your counterparties

Collaborate Live

Collaborate in real-time with counterparties, in one secure, cloud based version of the document 

Live Previewing

Watch your document take shape as you go, spot mistakes and check your document in real-time

Track Variations

Track clause variations across your portfolio, to establish where you’re altering standard terms

Get notified

Stop chasing and let the platform remind your counterparties of any outstanding actions

Negotiate Live

Collaborate in real-time on a live webpage before inviting counterparties to respond via online link

Project Document Suite

Do more than just tendering, project plans and other documents can also be created and used

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