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Frequently asked questions
How much does it cost?Pricing is available upon request and will require a brief scoping activity. We are so confident in our service that we know that you will be saving time and money from your first procurement with us - in fact we guarantee that your procurement will be done in half the time and half the cost with a fixed fee so you know what you are spending up front. As our IAI interface continues to learn with you and inform our teamwork, those timelines will continue to shorten and your costs shrink with every procurement you engage us with.
What will initial implementation look like?Following a scoping activity, our commercial procurement experts will lead the document development - leaving your experts free to fill their core functions to guide and advise and make decisions informed by our tools, processes and our expert team. During this period we will determine what level of planning has been conducted and what templates are appropriate for the procurement. Document automation is then achieved through our intelligent automation interface, where our lead consultant will work with your experts as a team to input critical information. This is able to achieve an 80% rapid draft in weeks not months. They will also manage any updates and amendments without the need for your team to get bogged down in the formatting and version control issues which you are currently tormented by. As a result of this more efficient process, we will have your tender documentation compiled, perfectly, in half the time and at half the cost.
Do you do it for us?We provide a range of service options for you to choose from. Whether we do it for you, with you or in support, we are with you every step of the way.
How widely can this be used?templatebot has been designed to support the bespoke needs of defence in ASDEFCON templates, however its functionality can be rolled out across other departments and industries interested in improving and speeding up their procurement planning and processes. Other uses include project documents like planning and execution documents, communication, workforce and risk management plans and policies. For CASG projects you could develop your full suite of project documents like the Business Case, PES, TEWG and Source Evaluation Reports, plus all types of templated plans for Procurement, PM, ILS, and much, much more.
If this is so good, why aren't we all using it already?Sometimes organisations get caught inside their own processes and the problems of time, cost & money get put into the "Too hard" basket. This was actually one of the key outcomes of the 2021 ASDEFCON Procurement Review! As commercial procurement experts with broad experience across procurement planning, policy and implementation, we can see the forest for the trees and this is our solution to save you time and money.
Who is Tee?Our mascot is a bot named “Tee”. Tee’s icon consists of a small head housing their modern, central processing unit and represents the machine learning opportunity that Tee can develop with returning clients. Tee also has a communication headset for listening and speaking, an antenna for picking up things others might miss and a smiling face because Tee enjoys what they do.
What is a bot?A bot is otherwise known as an Internet bot, web robot, or robot and is a software application that runs automated tasks over the Internet.
What does Tee do?Tee is part of the team, in fact they are the 't' in team, but Tee is not alone and works with others to make an effective team. Tee’s job is to help our customers and staff collect information by asking questions that help populate our clients templates and documents.
What type of software do you use?templatebot is an integration of Commercial Off The Shelf or COTS software that includes a chatbot tool that provides the intelligent automation interface (IAI) and a document automation tool that develops the templates and allows them to be populated by the data received through the IAI. These tools are integrated into a web-based platform for ease of access.
Is it secure?Yes. The website, chatbot tool and the document automation tool are all certified to ISO27001, an internationally recognised information security standard, certification. The document automation tool network is protected at all times with servers run on AWS (located in Sydney, Australia). Your documents are also stored and encrypted at rest using AES – 256 bit encryption. Each one is encrypted with a unique initialisation vector. As an additional safeguard, each key is encrypted with a regularly rotated master key. This means that even if someone were able to bypass the physical security of our servers and access a hard drive, they still wouldn’t be able to decrypt your data. Your website connection is secure and encrypted using HTTPS. This is the same level of encryption used by leading banks and government agencies. Your personal information is secured and we ensure that our products and services are in compliance with privacy regulations.
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